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Call for Proposals

Right now you have the opportunity to share your test automation expertise. The conference is looking for proposals from a diverse range of speakers from across the community. 
Submissions closed

Why should you consider speaking at Selenium Conf?

Right now you have the opportunity to share your test automation expertise. The conference is looking for proposals from a diverse range of speakers from across the community.
Share the space with Selenium committers and other influential people in the Selenium community. Speaking lifts your profile and turbocharges networking opportunities. Speaking allows you to share your insights and gain new knowledge at the same time.

Establish yourself as a thought leader in the test automation space. Our goal is to provide a widely accessible platform that brings together top thought leaders to share expertise and ideas on test automation. If you’re interested in making your mark in the open source world, speaking at conferences like Selenium Conf is a great way to accomplish this.

If you are a first time speaker, don’t worry, we offer speaker shepherding sessions to help new speakers present like professional speakers.

A recording of your talk will be posted on YouTube where it will be freely available for you to share and could rack up thousands of views after the event.

Getting Started

Presentations for people new to Selenium. Help others kick start their learning with hands-on practical guidance.

Best Practices

Highlight how best to implement continuous testing and what practices should be avoided!

Tools & Infra

Showcase different ways of integrating Selenium into your workflow. What other tools and infra has helped you? 

Selenium Internals

Pop the hood on Selenium and help the community discover how Selenium works internally and what's going on under the hood.

Robotic Process Automation

Experiences of implementing RPA into your testing workflow and illustrative use cases.

Scaling Test Automation

Share what you have learned about scaling test automation. What worked and what didn't?

Shift Left

What processes have you implemented to get early feedback and identify problems earlier in your development cycle?

Quality Engineering

Examples of proactive and continuous improvement of quality throughout the software development lifecycle.

Who is Selenium Conf for?

Selenium conference is one place for everyone. You could be a product leader, a product developer, someone that uses Selenium, someone who's maybe not exactly Selenium-centric but part of test automation.

Basically everyone who participates in the software delivery pipeline or supply chain. Project Managers to Test Managers to Directors, VP, that's the leadership circle. But also ground level folks like testers and automators. 

Interestingly, people think that Selenium Conf is all about QA automation, but people don't realize that it also has a lot of value for the dev folks, for Scrum Masters and even the non-technical folks. They can learn a lot of new things and understand how it actually works on the ground.

House Building

UI/UX Desing / Developing
Neat own nor she said see walk. And charm add green you these. Sang busy in this drew ye fine. 
Get Started

Traveling Website

JavaScript Developing
Him boisterous invitation dispatched had connection inhabiting projection. By mutual an mr danger garret.
Get Started

Mountain Journey

Graphic Design / Illustrations
Two exquisite objection delighted deficient yet its contained. Cordial because are account evident its subject.
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Speaker Testimonials

The major thing I liked about the program selection process was that it was not just acceptance or rejection. First the proposal was reviewed thoroughly including the whole talk structure and what I would present and what would be done where. It was a very intense review and I got really good comments and clarification of things.

Shivani Gaba

Selenium Conf 2022 speaker

Sudharsan Selvaraj

Selenium Conf 2022 speaker
One thing which bothered me for a long time was public speaking. I wanted to improve myself and grow the way I present to a group of people. So this type of conference helps me to achieve those goals and improve myself as a person and my career too. It also gave me a lot of other opportunities and now I feel a lot more confident.
Selenium conference gives us the opportunity to share what we're doing in the project. It's also a really great place to actually meet the end users from the project. So we can listen to them, see what pain points they have and what feature requests they have.

Diego Molina

Selenium Project Committer

Dhavani Parekh

Selenium Conf 2022 speaker
Selenium Conf gives so many opportunities to come up with different talks, discussions, demonstrations, demos, the things people have worked on. You not only get a chance to showcase your skill set, but also talk about business trends. How are companies functioning? How can you do better in the entire testing space?
Getting much more recognition and visibility in the community is definitely one benefit of speaking at Selenium Conf. Some people recognize these talks from the companies that I worked for, and they were maybe more willing to reach out, ask questions, and stuff like that.

Gaurav Singh

Selenium Conf 2022 speaker

Gayathri Mohan

Selenium Conf 2022 speaker
There are a lot of industry luminaries who come and talk in Selenium Conf from across the globe. It's a nice way to convene into a common place and get to see what they are up to and also get a chance to interact with them.
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